Monday 17 September 2012

Fat Burning Tips - Fat Burning Walks!

Okay, here's Fat burning secret #1: Easily melt the fat off with 'Fat Burning Walks!'
If you want to know a great way to burn those extra fat calories when you are on a mission to get slim, toned, and sexy, then listen up.
Fat Burning walks are an amazing way to get your body off to a good start in the mornings. There are many exercises that can and will burn calories, but brisk walking for at least 45 minutes mobilizes the body to dip into fat reserves, and burn stored fat as fuel.
The fat burning zone is at 60-70% of your maximum heart rate. When you exercise within this zone, 85% of your calories burned are FAT CALORIES!! That is awesome right??? About 5% of the calories you burn will be proteins, and the last 10% are carbohydrates.
It's good to do these walks on an EMPTY stomach.
If there is food in your tummy, you will burn that first. When you exercise in the morning, after fasting all night, your body will go straight for the stored fat as it begins to move into that heart rate zone of 60-70% of your max.
What does 60-70% of your max mean? This means you will be breathing heavier, feeling increased exertion, and most likely sweating, but you will still be able to carry on a conversation.
You want to be sure you are allowing a minimum of 45 minutes time for you to do these walks. 45 minutes is recommended to give the body the time it needs to get into the stored fat. The longer you walk, the more fat you'll burn. It's pretty simple.
First 10 minutes: Burn away Fat-Creating glucose
Start with a 10 minute warm-up walk at an easier pace. This will lower your blood sugar and begin to burn off any stored glycogen in the muscles. When carbohydrates are consumed, they break down into glucose.
Glucose gets absorbed and used for energy. Any glucose that is not needed and therefore goes unused, will be stored in the muscles and the liver in the form of glycogen. Once the glycogen stores in the muscles are filled up, anything extra gets stored as FAT.
This is precisely WHY we want to start burning this off at the start of our walks!
Next 30-50 Minutes: Pick up the pace a little for Fat-Zapping action
After the 10 minute warm-up, pick up the pace to your fat burning zone, which is 60-70% of your maximum heart rate. Continue to walk in this zone for 30-50 minutes or more. Then you can begin to slow to a cool-down walk of about 10 minutes at the end.
Fat burning walks at this intensity are recommended to do five or more days per week to reduce health risks and increase fat loss. They can be done daily OR alternated with more intense workouts on other days during the week.
Those who are looking to burn fat however, should be doing fat burning walks no less than 5 or 6 days a week.

Remember, everyone's body is different.
 Ultimately it is best to do some trial and error and find what works best for you. You may want to get the fat off quickly, or perhaps you are more at ease with loosing it steadily over a longer period of time.
Your current weight, your goals, and your lifestyle will determine what is going to be the best plan for you, but generally those who commit to these walks as many times a week as possible, get amazing results.

1 comment:

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