Monday 17 September 2012

The Best Eye Makeup for Small, Hooded Eyes

The Best Eye Makeup for Small, Hooded Eyes

Known as the windows to the soul, your eyes are the most mesmerizing part of your face and should always look their best. in order to have stand out eyes, you must first know what shape you're blessed with and how to work them. For you fabulous ladies with hooded eyes, you're challenged with lids that have no visible crease and droop down over your eyes. When you're applying a makeup look, it's essential to incorporate tips to make your gorgeous peepers look bigger and more defined.

Neutral Eye Shadow

When you have hooded eyes, the goal is to give them a more prominent, defined and bright-eyed appearance. Fortunately for you ladies, there are several makeup tricks to successfully give your hooded lids the lift they need. One of the most integral rules to follow is embracing neutral eye shadow. Eye shadow in a neutral shade is ideal for hooded eyes because it opens them up and minimizes the droopy appearance that they are known for. Neutral shadow in nude, light brown and peach are all complimentary colors that should be applied to the inner corner of the eye and the brow bone.

Black Mascara

Ladies, your eyelashes can work wonders for your makeup look and the more defined they are the better. Hooded eyes tend to look sleepy and less pronounced, so an easy way to provide them with a more bright-eyed appearance is to pile on the mascara. There is no shade of mascara as dramatic as black and hooded eyes definitely benefit from the outcome the color provides. Apply a minimum of three coats, letting each one dry before applying another, for standout eyes that beg to be noticed.

Defined Eyeliner

There are literally dozens of ways to apply eyeliner for a myriad of looks, but when you have hooded eyes there are a small group of specifics that work best. Use your eyeliner, whether in pencil or liquid form, to create a defined line that makes your eyes more prominent and less droopy. Line your upper lid with dark eyeliner, preferably black, and create a medium to thick-sized line that is precise. It takes the attention away from your hooded lids and instead draws the eye to your dramatic eyeliner look.

Minimal Dark Eye Shadow

Wearing dark colors makes things look smaller, so you want to avoid this look when you have hooded eyes. Dark eye shadow should be used sparingly because it succeeds in droopy eyes fading even more into the background. When used, dark shadow should be applied in the crease of the eye for dimension and balance. However, hooded eyes should never have a shade of dark shadow applied over the entire eye because your eyes will look incredibly small and virtually disappear.

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1 comment:

  1. Very great post, please write some more on this topic. If you want some useful links about this topic, here they are =>
    Hooded Eyes Celebrities
    Hooded Eyes
    Celebrities with Hooded Eyes
    What are Hooded Eyes?
